MSS IT Training Series - Manic Mondays - Microsoft OneNote

Microsoft OneDrive


Microsoft OneNote is an app that is designed for research, note-taking, and information storage. Similar to apps like Evernote and Dropbox Paper, it lets you store text and images in free-form documents which you can keep private or share with others. OneNote is a part of the Microsoft Office Suite, along with programs like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.  

OneNote uses the metaphor of a notebook, complete with books, sections, and pages. Your copy of OneNote can have multiple notebooks, each dedicated to a different topic. You might have a notebook for work and one for personal information, for example, or you might create a handful of different notebooks for each major project. 

Within the notebook, you can create sections to organize your notes even further. If you work in sales, for example, you could create a different section for each client. Finally, within any section, you can have an unlimited number of pages, making it easy to track information over long periods. 


Event Information

Event Date 09-26-2022 11:45 am
Event End Date 09-26-2022 1:00 pm
Cut Off Date 09-26-2022 11:55 am
Capacity 50
Registered 13 [View List]
Available Place 37
Individual Price Free


Kaleb Millstead

IT Support Technician

Matt Green

IT Support Technician

Gary J. Hires

IT Director

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